Plantscaper suppliers play the important role of supplying homeowners with high quality plants from all over the world. However, before you commit blindly to a nursery, make sure that you spend some time understanding their history. Not all suppliers out there have your best interest at heart. All in all, once you find that one reliable supplier, you will be able to comfortable knowing that they will not be selling you dying plants. So, what are some of the things you need to look at when searching for reliable interiorscaper suppliers?
Years in the business
The first and the most obvious thing to consider is the number of years the growers have been in business. The collective mistake that most homeowners make is that of assuming that so long as the plant is healthy, they can purchase it from anywhere. The level of care that the plant gets from the time it is a seedling will determine its health. You should not be surprised to find wholesale nurseries that use too much fertilizer just to keep their plants blossoming all year round. If you purchase a plant from such suppliers, its health may decline drastically once you get it to your home. Only consider buying a dracaena from a supplier that doesn’t take shortcuts.
Reviews from recent clients
Another thing you have to consider the reviews left by other clients. Are they happy with the services they got? What are they most dissatisfied with? Never ignore what people are saying about plantscaper suppliers. There is always some truth even in the most bitter of comments. Take note of what most people are complaining about.
Level of customer service
Your focus when searching for a plant supplier should be on the level of customer service the supplier is known for. You don’t want to buy a plant that ends up dying on your prematurely and the supplier failing to listen to your complaints. Choose a supplier who is willing to listen to you and one that is dedicated to offering the best customer service possible.
Plant selection
Once you have made sure that the supplier will not disappoint you in matters plan quality and customer service, it is time to take a look at his collection. Always bear in mind that your options will always be limited by the number of plants that growers have. For example, if you are in the market for a draceana but the grower does not have any, you will end up settling for another plant. Don’t allow the supplier to dictate your choices.
Price range
Last but not least, you should never pay double what other suppliers are offering. Take some time to see the prices of other wholesale nurseries. You should then make sure that you understand why your preferred supplier prices his plants the way he does.
These are all quick points that will help you pick the best plant for your home or office. The important thing is to never compromise on quality. Never buy a sick plant with the hope of reviving it.