Office Foliage – What are the Secrets to Growing Office Foliage Successfully?

Office foliage can transform the way your office looks and how your staffs do their work. Studies show that houseplants increase the oxygen levels in the room and remove toxins from the air. This leads to more productivity and fewer health issues in an office. These are just some of the benefits. However, if you want to enjoy the many benefits of interior foliage, it is important that you learn how to care for them. Have you been wondering why your dracaena keeps on dying? This post is for you.

Understand maintenance needs
The first thing you have to do before contacting plantscaper suppliers is to match the maintenance needs of your target plant with your indoor conditions. For example, if your room does not receive a lot of sunlight, you will need to go for the plant that does not require too much sunlight. The same goes for rooms that are highly polluted. Understanding the maintenance needs of a houseplant is the first step to growing it successfully and reaping all the benefits that come with plants.

Shop from reputable suppliers
Another important thing you have to do is to only consider reputable interior foliage providers. Needless to say, you will always be spoilt for choice when searching for the right supplier to work with. The problem is not all wholesale nurseries are worth considering. You need to listen to what recent clients have to say about the supplier and take a look at the variety of plants offered, the cost as well as the overall health of these plants.

Inspect the plant before buying
Just because you are shopping from the most highly recommended supplier does not mean you pick plants blindly. You need to take some time to inspect the plants you want to bring home. If you don’t want any disappointment, go for the healthy office plants. Refrain from purchasing a plant out of pity. It will disappoint you. What is more is that bringing a diseased plant home will infect your other healthy plants. Make sure you don’t purchase any plant that is infested with pests.

Water accordingly
The secret to growing plants is knowing when and how to water them. Although you may need to fertilize the plant from time to time or even repot it, watering is the most important thing. Some plants require more water than others. Make sure you show your plant the love it deserves. Whenever possible, use rainwater. You must never pour beverages into the pot. The pot should also have drainage holes at the bottom.

Seek professional help
Last but not least, if you are not sure of what you are doing or what your plant needs, there is no harm in seeking professional help. An interior foliage provider will let you know what you plant is lacking.

These are points you need to consider when buying office plants from wholesale nurseries. Make sure you can comfortably care for the plants you bring home. You also need a plant that will complement the interior design.

Office Foliage