Category Archives: office plants

Dracaena – How to Keep Your Dracaena Healthy

Dracaena is definitely one of the most sought after houseplants in the world. This is because of the many benefits the plant is known to guarantee. It is one of the most effective plants in removing toxins from the air, regulating oxygen levels as well as moisture. However, if you don’t give your plant the care it needs, you will never enjoy the full the benefits. The purpose of this post is to help you understand some of the things you need to do to keep your office foliage healthy. The healthier the plant is, the more benefits you will get.

Ensure it gets sufficient light
Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. This is the process through which they make their food. When the plant does not get adequate sunlight, it will get weak and this paves room for a range of health issues. Making sure your plant gets sufficient sunlight is the key to keeping it healthy. The best thing is that the room does not necessarily have to receive sunlight. You can make use of growing lights. It is important that before you buy a plant from plantscaper suppliers you ask them about the light needs of the specific plant. Some plants will require more sunlight than others.

Water properly
Water is crucial. Properly watering your plant is the best thing you can do. Again, you need to talk to your interior foliage provider regarding the watering needs of the plant. Some plants will require you to water more frequently. This is more so when it comes to those with large and fleshy leaves. Other plants can survive with minimal watering. Learning how to water your office foliage properly will guarantee that you have healthy plants.

Never bring home diseased plants
It is common for human nature to kick in when buying plants in wholesale nurseries. It is common for people to buy plants out of pity. This is something you must never do when shopping for dracaena or any other plant. If the plant looks sick, chances are it will die on you. You want to bring home a healthy plant. Inspect the plant thoroughly and make sure it is healthy and not infested with pests. The last thing you want is for it to infect your other healthy office plants.

Don’t water with anything but water
Although soda contains water, you must never use it to water your office plant. You only need to water the plant with fresh water; preferably rainwater. Pour beverages into the plant pot will not only introduce toxins but also attract pests to your plant.

Repot when necessary
With some plants, you will need to repot them after a couple of months. Make sure you repot the plant at the right time. You need to move it into a larger pot and use fresh growing medium. You should also ask the professionals in the wholesale nurseries for advice on using fertilizer.

The above points will help you keep your office plant healthy. The rule of thumb is to only consider the houseplants that you can comfortably care for.


Interior Foliage Provider – How to Choose an Interior Foliage Provider

Interior foliage providers offer unique services that help persons interested in plants to find the perfect plant that they need. They also offer guidance to ensure you end up with the plant that is right for you. The downside, however, is that there are so many wholesale nurseries to pick from and not all of them have your best interest at heart. If you are in the market for a houseplant, there are a couple of things you need to do in order to find the supplier that will appeal to your needs.

Identify your needs
The first thing you have to do is to identify your needs. To do this, you will need to consider a number of things. The first is the condition in your room. Does your room receive adequate sunlight? Is it too dry or too polluted? Looking at the conditions in your room will enable you to pick the office plant that will survive in those conditions.

The second thing you need to consider is your beautification goals. If you are targeting a tropical look, you will do best with plants with large leaves. Your goals will further determine whether you will need just one dracaena plant or several. Knowing exactly what you need to achieve is the first thing you need to do before you go searching for an interior foliage provider.

Consider the reputation of the supplier
Now that you know what you need, it is time to find the right place to buy the houseplants. As aforementioned, there are many plantscaper suppliers to choose from. The first thing you need to do is make sure the suppliers you are considering offer the specific plant you are looking for. Second, you need to consider their reputation. Are they known for offering healthy plants? If most of the reviews you find about them are negative, it will be best if you avoid them.

Go for the supplier with a large catalogue
To narrow down the list of potential suppliers further, take a look at their catalogue. Just because you need a dracaena today does not mean you will never need a lily. The idea here is to choose one supplier that you can count on for all your future needs. You don’t want to repeat the entire process of finding a supplier each time you need a different plant. Picking the supplier with a large catalogue will save you time in the future.

Consider customer service
Last but not least, prior to making the final choice, you need to pay attention to the quality of customer service that the interior foliage provider offers. There will come a time when you will need advice on caring for the plant. When this time comes, you don’t want to be ignored when you contact the supplier.

These points will help you find the best supplier to buy office foliage from. All in all, when making your choice, you have to listen to your gut. You also need to match the plant to your needs.

Interior foliage providers

Factors that Affect the Growth of Interior Foliage

Factors that Affect the Growth of Interior Foliage

You certainly have heard it all about the benefits of interior foliage. The benefits range from improved indoor environment to a range of health benefits. Even so, for your plant to give you these benefits, you have to keep it healthy. To do this, you need to understand the factors that affect the growth of your houseplants.


This is a no brainer. Plants need light for photosynthesis. This is how your office foliage produces food. The more light that is available, the more food the plant will produce and the more growth you will notice. Windows facing east provide best light and temperature for your potted plants. All in all, while adequate light is important, too much of it will damage your interior foliage.

In a building, the amount of light in any given location is variable. To make sure you purchase wholesale interior foliage that will survive in your home, pick the ones that can survive in your target location. If your room does not get much sunlight, then you need a houseplant that can survive in low light and vice versa for the brightly lit rooms.


Temperature has a huge impact on the growth of indoor plants. You have to remember that most houseplants originate from the tropical and subtropical areas. This means they will not be able to withstand extreme low temperatures. High temperatures will speed up respiration thereby boosting plant growth.

Houseplants have varying requirements in the maximum and minimum temperature needs. A wholesale interior foliage expert will let you know the best temperatures for your target office foliage. Tropical plants like dracaena will do well at temperatures ranging between 90 and 95 degrees F. These are, however, high temperatures that you cannot tolerate indoors. As a result, the plants will adapt to room temperatures or 70 to 80 degrees F.

Relative humidity

This is the amount of moisture that is contained in the air. For the office foliage, relative humidity that is lower than 20% is low. 40 to 50 percent is considered medium whereas above 50% is high. In spite of its importance, relative humidity is the most overlooked factor when growing indoor plants. Tropical plants need higher humidity. You can compensate for the lack by placing your dracaena plants close together, using shallow containers filled with water and gravel to provide evaporation, use humidifiers, or use mist bottles.


Everyone understands the importance of water to a plants growth. What most people tend to ignore is that the quality of water being used plays a significant part. In addition to learning how to water your plants properly, you have to use good quality water. Too much chlorine will damage your interior foliage.

The above are the main factors that will affect the health of your office foliage. Do not forget to give your plant proper nutrition with the right fertilizer designed for indoor use. Making sure your wholesale interior foliage is free from pests and dust will further benefit its growth. You should also not forget to prune and clean your plants.

Office Plants – Why Ficus Lyrata are great office plants

Office plants

can lighten the mood, make the room more welcoming and improve the health of employees. This can be attributed to the fact that plants help with air purification, humidity control and also help achieve a tropical look. All in all, the benefits you get will depend on the type of plant you adopt and the attention you give it. In this post, we will be focusing on the Ficus Lyrata. It is a must have for any office.


The Ficus Lyrata is commonly referred to as the fiddle-leaf fig. It belongs to a species of fig tree which are native to western Africa; more precisely west of Sierra Leone, Cameroon. The plant thrives in lowland tropical rainforest. You have to recreate these conditions for your office plants to flourish.

In its native habitat, the plant can grow up to 39 to 49 feet tall. It has leaves that are variable in shape but which are broad at the apex and narrow at the middle. The leaves resemble a fiddle or lyre. They can be up to 18 inches long and 12 inches broad. They have a leathery texture, wavy margin and prominent veins.

Why use Ficus Lyrata as office plants?

The Ficus Lyrata plants are popular as ornamental trees. They are common in the subtropical and tropical gardens. They are ideal as houseplants or office plants in temperate areas. In such conditions, the plant will stay shorter and will not flower or fruit. The plant is frost tender. The large leaves are what make this plant an ideal choice for office decoration.

In addition to the aesthetic appeal, the Ficus Lyrata will bring a range of health benefits. For starters, its broad leaves will help with air purification. Through the process of metabolic breakdown, the office plants will eliminate various chemical compounds from the air. This means fewer ailments especially those related to the respiratory system. In addition to that, the plant will help with humidity control. This is essential in the elimination of dust from the air and preventing such problems as coughs, colds, sore throats and fatigue.

At the end of the day, having Ficus Lyrata as office plants will improve your productivity and generally lift your spirits. All in all, the plant needs special care.

Caring for Ficus Lyrata

The Ficus Lyrata requires bright, filtered light. These plants can also tolerate some full sun especially when they are placed in the eastern-facing window. Placing the plant in a dark room will inhibit rapid growth.

The soil should be kept steadily moist. Don’t overwater as sitting in water causes the leaves to drop and the roots may start to rot. Any fast-draining potting soil is good. Feed the plant with liquid fertilizer throughout its growing season.

Propagating your office plants may include stem-tip cutting. However, buying a new plant is highly advised. Healthy specimens grow pretty fast. Repot to a larger pot until the plant reaches a desired size.

All things considered, Ficus Lyrata plants are not demanding plants. They make great office plants.

Office Plants

Office Plants – Why Aralia Fabian are Great Office Plants

Office plants

are a great addition to any setting. They improve the ambience, purify the air, help with humidity control and they have also been found to increase productivity and boost the overall mood of the employees. However, not every plant you purchase will bring the aforementioned benefits. You have to be meticulous when choosing a plant. Some plants offer more benefits than others. A good example is the Aralia Fabian. It is a shrubby evergreen tree that almost fell out of existence a few years back. However, it is making a comeback as one of the most preferred office plants.


The Aralia Fabian is mostly favored because of its foliage. It has large bipinnate leaves that are clustered at the end of the stems/ branches. Some species have bristles with most stems being prickly. These office plants bear whitish or greenish flowers that occur in the terminal panicles.

Why is it a great office plant?

As we mentioned earlier, Aralia Fabian make great office plants because of their foliage. They have a variety of leaf forms as well as coloration. The leaf forms range from elegant, lacy leaves found on the Ming to the rounded leaflets of the chicken gizzard. The variegations range from gold to cream to white to solid green. The plants have massive woody trunks that make them attractive as indoor plants. The branches are sweeping, curving and heavy. The foliage is shaggy. These traits make the plant ideal for ornamental benefits.

More foliage means better metabolic breakdown of airborne chemicals. Unlike other office plants that have fewer leaves, Aralia Fabian has more leaves which mean efficient elimination of chemical compounds from the air. The plant will help eliminate such compounds as formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene and carbon dioxide. This leads to a more pleasant atmosphere that promotes good health and better mood.

Still on foliage, the use of one or more Aralia Fabian office plants will help with humidity control. Plants release moisture into the atmosphere. Studies show that a plant will release approximately 97% of the water it takes in. This is done through the process of photosynthesis. Effective humidity control leads to reduced sore throats, fatigue, coughs and a number of illnesses that are related to cold. Humidity control will further help reduce dust from the air. Aralia Fabian will therefore benefit persons with respiratory illnesses.

Who can use it?

The Aralia Fabian will benefit anybody in any setting. It does not matter whether your day job involves sitting by the desk all day or moving from one warehouse to the other, having an office plant will actually do-good to both your health and mood. The persons that stand to gain the most are those with respiratory problems.

Aralia Fabian plants are superior table top and reception counter accents. However, for these office plants to thrive, they require adequate light and a soil that is well-aerated. Adequate watering is essential but you must never over-water as doing so can cause the demise of the plant. In low light situations, watering only once in three weeks can be sufficient.

Office Plants

Office Plants – Why Ming Aralia are Great Office Plants

Office plants

add life to the room by purifying the air, improving aesthetic appeal and sharpening the focus of workers. If you are searching for the ultimate indoor plant, the Ming Aralia might just be what you need. These plants are poplar for indoor ornamentals, versatile, decorative and because they are easy to maintain. They are basically the essence of indoor plant excellence. Let us look at some of the reasons why they make great office plants.

Ornamental benefits

Ming Aralia is particularly interesting because of its foliage. As a matter of fact, Polyscias (its genus name) means many shaded. This is in reference to the luxuriant foliage of this evergreen shrub/ dwarf tree that is native to India. The plant grows slowly but can reach a height of 1 to 2 meters. Its leaves have a dark green pigment, glossy texture and tripinnate and they appear divided. The individual leaves vary from narrowly ovate to lanceolate and are about 10 centimeters long. The leaves are highly variable even on the same plant.

Unlike other trees that branch sideways, the Ming Aralia grows vertically. It is especially beautiful hence the perfect choice for office plants. The tips can be trimmed to encourage rapid branching and to thicken the trunk. With age, the lower branches will die off; leaving a beautiful ashen tan. The complex leaves, closely-set joints and bushy look are what make Ming Aralia particularly ornamental-looking.

The Ming Aralia can be used in virtually any decorative situation. You can use it for architectural treatment or sculptural calling.

Easy to manage

The Ming Aralia can be kept small by trimming or left to grow to several feet. The important thing to do is to ensure the office plants receive adequate sunlight. It can grow in any soil. Making rooted cuttings is quite easy too. The roots are fine and don’t spread far. Neglect of water causes the loss of leaves although the plant can withstand some level of drought without any permanent damage. All in all, they are not as tolerant to wet feet. Excessive watering will cause rot.

The Ming Aralia thrives in an environment with minimum temperatures of 60 degrees F. They can endure cold temperatures of 40 degrees F for a short while. Other than that, these office plants are not subject to pest attacks. They are highly resistant to infestation.

Purchasing Ming Aralia

When buying the office pants, you need to realize that although price is not a measure of quality; the low priced plants are linked to worse culture and poor selection. Poor Ming Aralia plants have blemished and light colored leaves. They are also thinner in texture and have a weak and pulpy stem.

Ming Aralia plants are ideal as office plants if you know how to take good care of them. You need to always remember that for office aesthetics, the plant requires full sun to partial shade or high interior lighting. The plant will not do well in a room that is too dark. You should also keep in mind that these plants grow fairly slow.

Office Plants

Office Plants – What are the best types of office plants?

Office plants

do more than just purifying the air. They will help control humidity, help create a tropical look and also make you feel happy. Dracaena will actually sharpen focus and improve productivity. This is according to studies by the Texas A&M University and the Royal College of Agriculture in Circencester, England. With that out of the way, the question you might be asking yourself is this; what are the best types of office plants? Here are some of the best dracaena indoor plants you should consider for your office.

Dracaena Warneckii

This plant is also called the striped dracaena. It is a medium sized shrub with distinctive white stripes that run lengthwise in the leaf’s center. The plant has low water requirements and requires a comfortable temperature of 75 degrees. This is one of the plants used in NASA Clean Air Study. When adopted as office plants, Dracaena Warneckii will effectively remove Formaldehyde.

The leaves of Dracaena Warneckii collect dust. They need to be wiped regularly. You should also watch out for pests like spider mites, scales and bugs.

Dracaena Massangeana

This is one of the most common office plants. It is often referred to as the Corn Plant. It is ideal for areas with low light. It has wide leaves that arc gracefully from its stalk. You can grow this plant as a shrub by rooting tip cuttings or as a tree by rooting mature canes. The yellow variegation that runs down the center of the leaves is what makes Massangeana one of the most preferred office plants. It has a low water requirement and requires a comfortable temperature of 75 degrees.

The broad leaves accumulate dust hence the need for regularly wiping. Occasionally, you may have to deal with such pests as scale and mealy bugs.

Dracaena Marginata

If you are looking for office plants that can grow to a height of up to 15 feet, then the Dracaena Marginata is what you need. It is also known as the Madagascar dragon tree or the Red-edge Dracaena. It is a popular indoor plant. This plant has narrow pointed leaves with red to purple stripes along the outer edge. The plant can be trained to curve so as to create a unique character plant.

The leaves may accumulate dust. Wipe them with a damp piece of cloth. Although rare, the plant may attract mealy bugs, spider mites and scale.

Dracaena Janet Craig

The Janet Craig is probably the most popular of office plants. It has a unique ability to grow in low light and is considerably tolerate to dryness. You will find 3 to 5 stalks in one pot. The leaves are dark and about 2 feet in length and 3 inches wide. The leaves cascade downward gently from the plant’s stalk. This is a compact indoor plant that is about 1 foot tall. It is effective in the removal of Formaldehyde.

In your search for office plants, you will be spoilt for choice. Understand the characteristics and requirements before you buy an office or house plant.

Office Plants